
I believe in the printed image.

The way I photograph is so as to tell a story with each and every frame. I think that when the picture is held in our hands, there’s a deeper connection between it and us because our primary senses are put into gear. We get to touch the material on which the image has been printed. We get to see the image in all its color and texture. We also get to smell the quality of the fabric whether it’s premium leather or fine linen. And we get to hear the sound of the pages when we turn them over the crease. Now, I won’t include the sense of taste because I don’t know anyone who’d like to lick or eat their images.

That’s why I’m offering these fine wedding albums to my clients, so that they may cherish their memories with their friends and families in a more tangible way. They come in various sizes. You get to pick the one you want. As for the cover material, you can decide between premium leather and fine linen. Each of these fine materials come in various color and texture, and we made it simple for you to pick by making use of our supplier’s cover swatches. One important remark about our albums is that they come with a lifetime warranty from our supplier. In other words, things just got a bit easier in having your memories printed for generations to come.